Behind The Scenes Of A Professional Brewery: A Day In The Life

 You might think Mornington brewing beer is all about fermentation, but there's a lot more to it than that. In fact, there are so many different aspects of the process that each one deserves its own blog post. Today, we're going to take you behind the scenes at a professional brewery so you can learn about how beer actually gets made.

Brewing the Beer 

The brewing process is a fascinating one, and it's pretty much the same across all breweries. Here's how it works:

First, you'll need to make sure you have all your ingredients on hand -- malted grains (usually barley), hops, and yeast. Then you'll grind up those malted grains into flour-like particles called malt. Next, add hot water to this mixture and let it sit for an hour or so before adding hops and then letting it sit another hour or so again before adding yeast. 

Once that's done, put it in tanks where fermentation takes place over several days at room temperature until it bubbles like champagne! Finally--and this is important--you strain out all those solids (they're called spent grain) so that only liquid remains behind!

Testing and Sampling Throughout the Brewing Process 

You'll be testing and sampling throughout the Mornington Brewing process, so it's important to know what you're looking for. You can test for pH, gravity, temperature, and alcohol content by using a pH meter or hydrometer. 

Aroma and flavor are subjective qualities that can only truly be evaluated by tasting (and smelling) your beer--but the color is something that you can measure with an instrument called a spectrophotometer. 

Clarity is another factor that you may want to keep an eye on during this step of your brewing process; clarity refers to how clear or cloudy your beer appears when held up against light sources like windows or lamps, which can affect its appearance both when poured into glassware and when stored in dark bottles or cans!

Preparing Equipment and Ingredients for Brewing 

Before you can brew, you need to prepare the equipment and ingredients. 

This includes cleaning and sanitizing all of your brewing equipment, weighing out the grain bill for your beer recipe, measuring out hops and other ingredients according to that recipe (and storing them in a safe place), storing any extra malt extract or liquid extracts (such as chocolate malt syrup) that you might use in making the beer until they're ready for use--and then there's also the matter of storing all those bottles!

Preparing everything ahead of time will make things go smoothly when it comes time to brew.

Mornington Brewing


The most important thing to remember when working with a team is that everyone has a job to do. If you find yourself in an environment where people aren't pulling their weight, or if someone is being lazy and not doing what they should be doing, then that's a problem! 

You need to talk with them about it and make sure everyone knows what's expected of them.

If you're having trouble getting along with one person on your team in particular, try talking about it with them. Maybe they feel like something else needs attention more than whatever it is that bothers you? 

Or maybe there's some other issue going on underneath the surface? Asking questions can help get at the root cause of any problems so they can be solved before they become bigger issues down the road


We hope that you enjoyed this peek behind the scenes of Mornington brewing. If you're interested in learning more about beer, visit one of the top breweries today!


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